5 存储 Infrastructure Management Challenges for IT Managers

Park Place Hardware Maintenance

帕克 发布日期:2018年1月25日

行业观察人士预测,2018年将出现一波更大、更快的闪存, hyperconverged infrastructure以及软件定义的存储,以帮助管理涌入的数据

The words used to describe the increase in global data volumes aren’t pretty. 过载. 冲击. 甚至爆炸. IT领导们感到受到打击,因为他们的组织收集的数据太多了,他们不知道该怎么处理.

行业观察人士预测,2018年将出现一波更大、更快的闪存, hyperconverged infrastructure以及软件定义的存储,以帮助管理涌入的数据.

These solutions are vital, but they overlook a core problem. For many enterprises today, data is more a cost center than a revenue generator.

大数据运动, 越来越多的视频使用和其他数据驱动的业务趋势正在推动组织开发新的更先进的存储架构. 这使得IT经理处于战略运动的背后,他们需要创建硬件战略,以支持业务目标,而不会破坏银行. The resulting challenges can be overwhelming, 但是,复杂的策略和有效的合作伙伴关系的正确组合可以帮助IT领导者处理存储问题.

5 Common 存储 Infrastructure Management Challenges

在制定这些计划时要做的第一件事是了解影响数据中心存储部分的挑战的范围. Five key storage issues impacting IT managers include the following.

1. 大数据

分析运动已经成为一种普遍的IT趋势,并让许多IT经理对设施内非结构化和结构化数据的快速增长感到震惊. 同时, IT团队需要随时处理添加到分析系统中的新信息,并且需要在数据使用后对其进行归档,以便仍然可以访问, but not taking up space on the high-performance systems. The capacity and performance requirements of big data can be staggering, making advanced tactics critical for success.

Enterprise network monitoring software can help identify and alleviate the pain points of these big data challenges.

2. 增加闪光灯使用

闪存技术正在崛起,部分原因是它们变得越来越容易获得,部分原因是大数据使它们的性能变得必要. Many experts agree that though flash is expensive, 它能够加速大数据计划中的数据工作流程,使他们能够提供巨大的投资回报. While this potential is significant, IT teams need to not only get the capital for flash investments, 它们还必须准备好支持归档,以确保数据为长期存储做好准备.

While flash has the potential to be incredible viable for long-term storage, it is currently limited by its read-write cycle capabilities. 在一般情况下, flash solutions can only handle approximately 10,000 read-write cycles before their performance and reliability declines, making them ideal for high-performance projects, but inadequate for long-term archiving and similar tasks. Enterprise storage management services are available to alleviate the pain of growing storage needs.

3. Video

许多企业正在实施视频战略,作为更大目标的一部分,以更有意义的方式与员工和客户互动. While video offers incredible potential from an end-user perspective, it also creates nightmares for IT managers. 存储视频可能是一个巨大的挑战,因为在这个过程中涉及的数据量相当大. 编解码器技术可以通过使一些视频以不需要大量数据的格式存储来减轻这种负担, but such strategies can be difficult to employ.

4. 遗留系统

整个IT部门存储需求的快速增长使得使用遗留系统对许多组织来说非常重要. 能够满足特定需求或处理不同工作流的可靠存储系统对于IT团队来说非常有价值. 玩得开心 third-party hardware maintenance 适当的计划在这方面特别有价值,因为可以快速修复, 有效的联络中心模型和翻新部件可以使IT经理在没有风险的情况下支持遗留存储系统. 学习如何 存储硬件维护 能帮你节省30-40%吗. 今天的OEM!

5. 数据保护

While capacity and performance challenges are dominating the storage landscape, IT managers have a constant need to prevent data loss and protect data from theft. 第三方硬件维护计划可以在这方面有所回报,供应商也可以帮助处理安全硬盘处理和从损坏组件中恢复数据等过程.

IT managers are facing staggering storage challenges, 但是先进的战略和良好的合作伙伴关系的结合可以使IT领导者跟上不断变化的存储需求的步伐.

Shifting Toward Specialized 产品 for Block, File, and Object 存储

The good news for the channel is that storage is hot. 在 信息周 2018 State of Infrastructure Study在美国,存储甚至击败了云十大赌博正规老平台,成为推动IT基础设施变革的首要因素. 另外, 62% said their data volumes are increasing by more than 10% annually, 只有7%的受访者表示,他们将大部分存储(75%或更多)托管在云端.

The takeaway is that enterprises and SMEs have a lot more data to host, and they are going to need new hardware to do it.

The real news isn’t the capacity, however, it’s the shift in expectations. 传统上,存储主要与归档、遵从性和灾难恢复有关. With the rise of big data analytics and machine learning, data has taken on strategic value, which businesses of all sizes are intent to squeeze for all its insightful juice. 这一趋势促使客户优先考虑存储性能,这在过去是不常见的.

Thus we find, for example, “unified storage” is losing some luster. 多面手的方法不允许存储软件在每个用例中都出类拔萃. This is leading more vendors toward offering specialized products for block, 文件, 对象存储.


  • 所有的flash数组
    No one who has installed SSDs is regretting the decision, and there is good reason to believe materials shortages are abating. Costs will start to fall again, 为了性能和节省运营成本,安装Flash几乎没有什么障碍. Impressive transfer rates of 10 Gb per second will become the standard. 相关的结果, interest in hybrid arrays will decline, as there are few compelling arguments for complicating systems with the HDDs.
  • 存储 packed with NVMe SSDs
    这些低延迟接口将使存储系统的购买价格增加10%左右,但性能提高两到三倍,延迟减少一半左右, so 客户 are getting ready to dive in. 话虽如此, NVMe is also likely to show up in most product lineups, so it won’t be a significant brand differentiator.
  • Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI)
    IDC预测了HCI市场 will grow to almost $5 billion next year; that’s up from $2 billion in 2016. 以软件为中心的方法和几乎像乐高一样的扩展非常适合许多数据中心. HCI with All Flash is an obvious choice.
  • 存储类内存(SCM)
    对SCM的支持包含在Microsoft Windows Server 2016和大多数Linux内核中, 所以世界已经准备好了. 但与闪存相比的价格点(SCM比DRAM更适合与闪存竞争)可能会限制目前的需求. 然而, 10x read/write speed over Flash, 更高的IOPS, 类似的吞吐量, 位或字级别的细粒度数据访问将吸引一些企业朝这个方向发展. SCM可能更多的是2019年及以后的问题,但渠道现在应该开始准备了.
  • 产品 with an in-cloud equivalent
    HPE Cloud Volumes and IBM Spectrum Virtualize are just two examples. 数组更经常与云对等物一起打包,用于复制或故障转移.

Most products appealing to the enterprise, 至少, will need to enable software-defined storage, 哪些将越来越多地在容器中交付,以提供灵活的可编程基础设施. 迅速崛起, 机器学习将促进新的存储管理流程,以优化工作负载十大赌博正规老平台.

Manufacturer-wise, Dell-EMC, HPE, IBM, and NetApp still have a place, but All Flash has opened doors for newer entrants, 比如纯存储, and HCI is propelling sales for the likes of Nutanix and others upwards.

