什么是网络自动化? -它是如何工作的和它的好处
在一个放松的周末之后,你在周一早上开始工作——生活是美好的! 检查完你的网络状态后,你开始看邮件,你的胃开始下降. 你们公司刚刚完成了一项新的收购, and you need to update network configurations for thousands of 设备s across tens of new locations to meet corporate standards. 这需要数周的工作,而且这项工作需要在本周五之前完成.
As a Network Admin, there’s a strong chance something like this has happened to you at least once. Fortunately for your performance (and mental wellbeing), network automation solutions exist to 帮助降低网络停机的风险 保持稳定运行.
网络自动化正在随着 超过75%的组织报告了网络自动化. 这些研究的另一个有趣的统计数据是,实施网络自动化的企业比那些没有实施的企业表现更好.”
网络自动化是指使用软件工具使网络任务自动化, 比如配置, provisioning, 管理, 在网络上测试设备. 网络自动化工具旨在减少人类对网络的干预, 从而提高效率并降低人为错误的风险.
- 自动化网络管理通常侧重于以下领域:
- 自动备份
- 自动配置任务(端口分配等).)
- 自动固件补丁
- 自动化变更管理
- 在产品推送之前测试了CNS3的更改
- 分阶段推出,并进行里程碑测试
很明显, there are different goals that organizations have when automating network activities. 自动化网络的目标是提高效率. This is linked to efficiency in operations through fewer human activities and greater network efficiency.
Operating expenditures are reduced by having fewer basic network configuration and 监控 activities that are performed by a human. 通过自动化, large network topologies can be managed with little or no human intervention through a network management solution with a built-in 网络映射工具.
在选择网络监控平台时, 你的声誉危在旦夕——你怎么知道你在做正确的决定呢? 下载我们的评估指南,了解如何选择网络监控工具!
除了, 消除人为干预降低了人为错误和不一致的风险. 很明显, 网络自动化需要设置人的活动, 但是一旦实施, 自动化的设计是在没有干预的情况下运行. 目前的估计 网络中人为干预的数量变化在95%.
网络自动化软件是为了高效地执行自动化等任务而设计的 网络映射网络的配置、发放和管理. Network automation can be driven to meet business goals and achieve an optimal network configuration to support those goals. 例如, a network administrator may have several network configuration options that can be selected based on immediate requirements and changing capacity needs.
Network automation can be compared to the popular If-This-Then-That (IFTTT) but applied to automation of network events, 而不是世界上发生的事情. 这些网络自动化任务也可能是计划的,而不是纯粹的反应性的.
这种可编程逻辑用于管理网络设备和十大赌博正规老平台. Automated network operations teams use network automation to consistently and efficiently configure, 保护和 管理网络基础设施.
我们稍后会讨论, there are two main approaches to network automation: script-driven 和软件-driven; in addition, 人们对……越来越感兴趣 基于意图(人工智能和机器学习)的网络自动化但这是一个相当新兴的领域.
We will consider different automated network management systems that provide the benefits enterprises seek, with a focus on network automation tools that leverage software-based and script-driven logic. 这两种方法都是完全有效的,但是每种方法都有自己的一组用例. This is like the typical quandary of “build versus buy” – can you translate your network knowledge into a working automation solution or will you make use of someone else’s investment in a software-based solution.
虽然我们不会讨论任何特定的网络自动化解决方案的相对优点, 我们可以探索每一个类别.
通常, software-driven network automation systems are more appropriate for organizations that do not have as many human developers. These organizations want ready-made solutions that are based on a software-driven approach that simply require configuration to their unique network 设备s, 网络拓扑和目标提供自动化的网络管理.
The main challenge with software-driven network automation systems is that they may not precisely meet the requirements of the organization. 然而, these systems typically provide better support through an external organization that can manage bugs and fixes, provisioning商是否能及时响应顾客的需求.
These commercial software-driven network automation alternatives have traditionally been created by network infrastructure vendors for their own products. provisioning商从专有api转向开放api的趋势越来越明显, 哪一个允许第三方工具自动化多provisioning商网络.
与此形成鲜明对比的是, script-driven network automation tools are typically chosen by organizations that have development resources that can hand-craft a specific solution to meet their precise network automation needs.
这种方法的一个挑战是未来需要更新和修复. 没有解决方案,无论是软件还是脚本,永远是完美的,它将需要改变. 你是依靠外部provisioning商还是内部资源来进行持续的开发?
在目前的市场中, it can be challenging to keep internal resources and there is always the risk of internal resources becoming suddenly unavailable. 此外,这种方法可能使故障排除变得困难.
让我们考虑一些实际的网络自动化示例, so that we can investigate key network automation use cases and associated network automation benefits.
Network provisioning is the deployment and configuration of physical and virtual network components that enable user, 设备, 十大赌博正规老平台器访问. provisioning是一项重复的活动,通常需要为许多设备完成.
网络provisioning通常用于对众多网络设备进行配置更改. 这种“批量配置”进一步减少了由于手工工作而导致的时间和潜在错误.
如今,网络安全是可持续运营的关键. 安全性可以通过防火墙规则、遵守安全标准以及 设备的升级和补丁 和软件. Gartner发现防火墙配置错误 在多达99%的案例中,它是泄露的主要来源.
Firewall rule configuration requires care to avoid conflicting rules across a varied network topography. 监控 and 警报ing to security standards and avoiding security vulnerabilities is a full-time job. 通过自动化工具对网络安全的管理进行检查, 警报, 和/或修复关键漏洞问题,提高网络安全配置文件. 然而, 研究显示 这一关键问题常常被忽视.
Whether this is to avoid the risk of upgrades or a conscious decision to remain on older versions that have known vulnerabilities is not clear. Another security area that is well suited for automation is SSL certificate updates as these are infrequent and therefore frequently forgotten.
在日常任务的优先级列表中,网络配置排在最后(32%), 网络监控是 首要任务(71%). 监控, 自动网络故障排除, 失效的根本原因分析很重要,也很重要, as both rely on gathering and analyzing relevant information before and during a network disruption.
网络故障管理软件 是否能够大大加快这一过程并赋予你定制事件的能力, syslog, 并根据您的独特需求进行陷阱管理.
Your IT team has been stretched thin for years now – when is introducing network 监控 software finally justified? 今天下载我们关于7个最常见的网络监控用例的指南!
Configuration Drift occurs when 设备s and services do not adhere to an organization’s standard configuration and leads to inconsistently configured components.
当设备配置更改没有正确记录并以临时方式进行时, 配置漂移结果. 结果是, configuration drift runs the risk of a temporary or minor change resulting in a significant outage at a later stage. 网络配置自动化有助于消除配置漂移.
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